Should you find yourself in an emergency situation, please report immediately to your building concierge or Property Management office who can provide immediate on the spot assistance, as well as to Del Rentals main office line which is answered 24/7 at 416-296-7368.
Below are some emergency situations:
- Fire – Also call 911
Flood/Leak which renders your suite uninhabitable, apparent water on you floor or water leaking into another suite.
- You can reference leak troubleshooting initially to turn off any water valves if you can locate and access where the water is coming from
- The building superintendent may also be able to assist with shutting off a water valve to prevent further water from entering the building/unit
- Injury or loss of life – Also call 911
Should you find yourself in the above situations or anything else you would deem as emergent, do not wait for an agent to reach out within 24 – 48 hours and report immediately for assistance.
Maintenance • Home Services
Del Condominium Rentals • Member of the Tridel Group
416.296.7368 | e. | w.
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